Boys and girls from UKRAINE who are at risk of disappearing.

17 March 2022
Missing Children and Teenagers Phoneline/chat

At Fundación ANAR we manage the number 116,000. A harmonized number in the EU, for the cases of missing migrant children and adolescents.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, millions of Ukrainians, mainly women and children, have fled seeking refuge. Children separated from their families are at risk of disappearing and being exploited or kidnapped.

Here, we receive the requests for help regarding these cases. We coordinate with the Missing Children Europe platform of which we are members in order to coordinate the search and possible clues within the European Union. Our chat has translation into Ukrainian, Russian and English among other languages. There is not a minute to lose.

To give you an idea, a Telephone/Chat professional could deal with approximately 267 cases of children and adolescents who need immediate help. We have a team 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Our challenge is to expand the team. This would make it possible for us to handle more cases and, above all, not waste a minute.

Donate now, with your help we can continue working as before with more resources. This is what we do:

  • Collaborate in the complaint and immediate connection with the Police and Civil Guard. Networking with all 116000 in Europe
  • Provide networking with all 116 000 in Europe
  • Contribute to the dissemination and obtaining of clues for the investigation of criminal cases
  • Provide emotional support to families 24 hours a day
  • Offers legal and social advice


We need resources to attend to each and every one of them, do you join?

Other forms of collaboration


If you prefer to make a transfer, you can do it to this account number:

CAIXABANK ES45 2100 0600 8002 0405 7242
SANTANDER ES15 0049 1828 2128 1016 8787


You can make your donation through Bizum with the following code:

02416 ANAR