What we do

Other lines run by the
ANAR foundation

900 20 20 10
ANAR telephone number against gender violence

Who do we help via this phoneline?

  • Mothers who are victims of gender violence and are worried about how their children are affected by the situation
  • Children worried about the gender violence suffered by their mothers.
  • Teenagers suffering gender violence from a boyfriend or girlfriend.


The number of calls seeking specific guidance about gender violence has increased significantly since 2009.

Evolution Cases 2009-2020

“I started praying to my grandfather who is in heaven and I told him… now I’m going with you. My lip started to bleed from a blow he gave me and he was hitting my mother too…”.

Gender violence, Sandra 10 years old
*All the testimonies presented are real testimonies received on the ANAR Telephone/Chat. Likewise, in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Law, they have been previously anonymized in order to preserve any data that could identify the caller, guaranteeing their anonymity and confidentiality.